The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 29 January 1998


Day 1

29 January 1998 (Japatal Road/mile 12 near Loveland Reservoir; mileage = 36) -- A - We're not in Ocean Beach anymore! It seems unbelievable. We left around 4:30 AM and didn't get too far before we got rained on. It wasn't hard rain, but it was enough to soak everything and we were generally climbing, so rain gear would have been too hot. Chris decided he had more than he could handle well and I was just cruising along, so we put the back Ortliebs on my bike. He was still pretty beat, so we took it slow with rest stops (after the 1st 20 miles to escape the city). Finally, we decided to camp when we saw a good spot. We're on a dirt road that doesn't seem to be used. We're not far off the road and noise from nearby houses carries well. We set up around 12 or 1. It was tricky since it was REALLY raining at the time and there are all these extremely sharp needle bushes all around. We had to cut the ends off one in the vestibule. Neither of us is very hungry, so we ate 1 pb&j and some snacks. It's around 7 now and we're ready to go back to sleep (we napped all afternoon). It just stopped raining recently (our alarm shorted and shrieked so much, it scared the rain away) and it was leaking in the tent. That's really annoying! It seems to be OK now that it's not raining. Earlier, we stopped at the Sweetwater/Loveland Reservoir. It was a national forest thing to fish. It didn't say no camping, but it was a little strange, so we just rested and continued about another 4 or 5 miles.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000