The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 08 February 1998


Day 11

08 February 1998 (Route 66 Visitor Center, Hackberry; mileage = 18.8) -- A - The extremely LOUD, CLOSE trains ran all night AND it started raining and was still raining while we took down camp. What a muddy mess! Thank goodness for our rubber booties and Gore-Tex rain armor! We hauled our stuff over the tracks and then went to use the port-o-let mysteriously sitting in the middle of the field (fully stocked and clean!). We walked out to the road and discovered Chris had a flat. We walked up a bit, so he could go under a bridge to try to keep the inside of the tire as dry as possible. It took over ½ an hour for him to finish and it was about 44 degrees, raining and windy. Once we started riding, I got a flat in 3 miles! It had stopped raining temporarily, but the mud had to be cleaned off the tire. Yuck! After 9 miles, we stopped at an RV park and used a table for breakfast and the phone for voice mail. We climbed a little hill and came upon this visitor center. It's really interesting, with various articles posted and hodge-podge decorating. Very eco-friendly. The guy is selling, though. We ate at the picnic table out front and our tent is dry now for a minute or two.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000