The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 15 February 1998


Day 18

15 February 1998 (Kaibab national forest; mileage = 0) -- X - All night I heard high winds. I hadn't been expecting that, and I was worried the bikes were going to blow over. In the morning, it was VERY sunny and the winds were still howling. We lounged in bed and I read. We had oatmeal for breakfast and then we got suited up in Gore-Tex for a bit of exploring. The area was beautiful, covered in fresh, deep snow. We slogged through drifts up to knee-deep to the road. A truck had been on this tiny road. We followed the tracks for over a mile. I also walked up to a big mound that was labeled with a sign that read "28-12." We never did find out where the truck went (we gave up). Back at the tent, we cooked the world's easiest recipe -- water from snow. We also had coffee and sandwiches. We're sitting here now writing post cards, etc.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000