The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 20 February 1998


Day 23

20 February 1998 (east of Durango County/County View Inn; mileage = 37.8) -- A - We were ready to go at 6:45 and met up with our friend from last night. We were going to get snacks at the Conoco, but he suggested the deli/bakery in the grocery. We had coffee, donuts, sticky buns and read Trivial Pursuit cards. We were there almost an hour. It didn't seem too windy when we took off, but a head wind soon developed. We went uphill for about 15 miles and down for 11-12. It was a pretty amazing descent into Durango. We found a bike shop, where Chris got a new tire, and the guy let him put it on and change both our chains and he even got to use the parts cleaner to clean the chains. They had a broken mirror like ours that he gave us the part from, and we got some of our Park patches. Quite the royal treatment! We tried one hotel unsuccessfully and went to McD's instead and left town. About 6 miles east was this little hotel for $25. There was a nice, plump Nixon cat outside and the rooms seems newish or redone, but it's perfectly sufficient and the TV has a radio with an awesome station! We're (Chris is) labeling pictures and letting Noxzema soak into all the ouchy places.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000