The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 08 March 1998


Day 39

08 March 1998 (Camdenton; mileage = 61.4) -- X - It pissed with rain ALL night, and I didn't get much sleep. None actually, until about 4:30 AM. The tent was leaking and drops were hitting my face and the sleeping bag was quite damp. We finally got up and had a cold (~ 35 degree F) and wet take down with hail at times. We got going and were happy to find the wind was out of the NW. Hurray! We stopped at a smoky convenience store and ate donuts and used the restroom. When we got going for real, we made great time, despite the very frequent, steep hills. At one town, we stopped and I bought dinner food and April did VM. A couple of towns later, we stopped in a cafe for lunch and it was really good! Shortly before lunch, April's front had a flat that took 2 tries to fix. We pressed on through the misty rain and 30s temperatures. We climbed a big hill into Camdenton and stopped at this motel. The weather seemed ominous, and we were soaked with sweat from the climb and rainwater! I then hosed off the bikes and gear, which was a FREEZING task. They had a popcorn machine here, which was odd since I bought Jiffy Pop. I cooked beans on the stove outside for a chip dip. We have everything out drying. It is really snowing like crazy out here and has for quite a while.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000