The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Winter 1998 - San Diego to Cincinnati
Journals - 13 March 1998


Day 44

13 March 1998 (~7 miles E. Salem, Illinois in woods off farm access; mileage = 75.3) [Friday the 13th] -- X - We slept in a bit and then got up to much-improved warmer weather. I fixed my flat tire in the tent before leaving. We rode north to Belleview. We couldn't find a McD's, so we ate at Jack-in-the-Box. When we got rolling east on 161, the wind was out of the south with a slight west component. We rode past awful suburbs and some small towns. We got on a nice section of US 50 (navigation error actually, since it was premature). There, April had a mystery-metal-sliver flat. On a double bridge (one is for back up?) not long afterward, the road was back to overcrowded-no shoulder country highway where super vigilance for jerks is tiring. We had stopped for snacks a couple of times but were really hungry by the time we got to Salem. There was a Golden Corral there and we both ate well. On the way out of town, we had a very sad dog incident. We'd had one run out onto the busy road earlier in the day, and we had both been thinking about how lucky he'd been. But tonight, one ran down the yard; I saw him and waved and pointed for the pick-up driver. He must have thought that was an integral part of propelling a bike, because he didn't slow down in time and the foolish dog, Sam, probably didn't make it. Its owner was there, and we didn't want to get close to that scene, so we pushed on, trying to solve our own problems in an unfriendly area.
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Chris X. Edwards ~ September 2000