The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 17 June 1992



Up. Put stuff away. Ate applesauce & cookies. Wrote. Headed south. Had to watch gravel trucks. Dennis almost got squished. Stopped at McKerricher SP for RR & H2O. Took picture. Rode into Ft. Bragg. Shopped. Talked to mom. Went pretty well through Mendicino, Albion, etc. Set speed record with tail wind at 49mph [79kph]. Stopped at Pt. Arena restaraunt. Ate our stuff & greasy curly fries. Long windy hilly ride to camp. No showers! Set tent. Made food. Ate. Talked to dad, Robert, CB. Got interrupted twice by lady with broken car which she drove anyway. (103.29)


Today we rode from WPULBSP to Salt Point State Park which was 103.28 miles. As with last night, this campground does not have showers yet they still charge $3.00 per person. We are starting to look and smell pretty disgusting but hope to get to Chris's Uncle's tomorrow for showers and to wash our clothes. The ride today was a little unsettling because alot of road construction was being done on Rt. 1. This meant alot of dirt trucks were passing us on a winding road with virtually no shoulders. I almost got hit once when I tried to move over to the side of the road and got my wheel stuck in the ditch. I couldn't un-clip in time to catch myself and fell onto the edge of the road. Fortunately the truck driver gave us enough room and I didn't get squashed. Other than that the ride wasn't to bad, the weather was good and we had a strong tailwind. There were no major hills but alot of small rolling hills. I don't think any part of the route was flat. Even though the hills were pretty small the increased frequency of them wore us down just as much as some of the previous days.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000