The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 19 June 1992



Up. Packed up at Robert's. Had granola for breakfast. Said bye. Took off. Went down Bohemian Highway to Occidental for a bit of food. Off to Hwy 1. Missed turn off onto 1 at Freeston and added some (8?) unpleasant miles. Headwind in some of Tomales Bay. Up & down into park. Wasted some mtn. biker trying to pass us up the hill into Woodacre. Stopped by store. Bought yogurt, instant cup stuff, Kudos, etc. Rode through city part then rode up & down mtn part (suburban). Got on bike path and rode to Sausilito. Back in streets up to bridge. Most intense headwinds I've ever seen. Walked across bridge. Rode through residential city part to Golden Gate Park, then south on bike trial there. Missed another turn and climbed a hill to find no bikes allowed. Found a reasonable alternative route around a point which was long and dangerous. Rode into Halfmoon Bay. Got tipped off to beach campground by hotel lady. Got to campground and set a record for tent up and eating. It was quite late and had just been dark for a little while. Bed. (115.65)


Today we rode from Chris's uncles in Camp Meeker to Half Moon Bay which is about 20 miles south of San Fransisco. The total mileage was 115.65 miles but the effective mileage was probably around 100 miles. Chris got us lost twice today which took us pretty far out of our way. San Frnasisco was kind of strange. The people were very unfriendly. The houses in the neighborhoods we rode through were all light pastel colored and packed very closely together. We climbed alot of hills in and around San Fransisco. The Golden Gate Bridge was pretty cool but the picture I took of it won't come out because the film in my camera was not advancing (shit!).

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000