The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 7 June 1992



Up super early (6:00). Finished up bike except for air in the tires. Played with dog, Suzy-Q, and cats. Looked at sheep. Took a shower. Rested a bit. Did the dishes in the kitchen sink. Dennis and Cynthia woke up. Put stuff in the truck. Went to a restaurant like Baker's Square. Went to grocery store for 6 minutes of shopping. Back to eat pancakes & French toast. Across the street again for air in tires. Off to Edmonds for the ferry. Rode across Puegeot Sound to Kingston. Saw "Better Than Average Contractors". Went to bike shop. Dennis worked on his bottom bracket while I bought a pump. Left at about 2:00pm. Rode through Kitsap Island to long bridge to penninsula. Took 104 to 107. Very long climbs and descents. Medium steepness, just very long. Dennis bought a camera at Pic & Save in Sequim. Met a cyclist who we followed to a spot on the banks of the Dungeness River near the Dungeness Spit. Set up tent, unloaded stuff. Cooked rice bought earlier. Also had bagle. Put things away, wrote, looked at maps, etc. Bed (52.95)


In the morning we took Cynthia out to breakfast at Mizler? She drove us and our bikes out to the Edmond Ferry (The Calamet). We thanked her for helping us out and gave her $20 for gas. The ferry ride took about twenty minutes and we found a small bikeshop on the island. I bought a spanner wrench and pin wrench to take of my bottom bracket (to grease it). We finally left the bike store at approx. 2:00 p.m.. From the bike store we rode 52.95 miles over many hills (mountains) but the weather was quite nice. The air is much dryer here than in Cincinnati and the temperature was moderately cool. Towards the end of the day we found a department store where I bought a camera ($80). We met another cyclist outside the store who led us to small sandy campsite alongside a stream.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000