The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 14 June 1992



Up in hotel. Packed up reasonably quick. Went to Safeway & post office. Started back toward coast route. Started to rain. Found shelter to put on rain gear at water works. A guy there told us that the best route would be the way we came. So back to HW 101 to Bandon. Rain finally quit. Decent tailwinds. Got to Port Orford and bought lunch at store and ate at overlook there (peach newts, yogurt, bread). Really good tailwinds! Amazing. Went around Humbug Mountain. Very fast to gold Beach. Straight through. Climbed Cape Sebastian. Ugh. Got up to 45 mph [72kph] on decent. Long and hilly shoreline ride to Brookings and site. Started to dry stuff out. it was really cold. I made quesadillas. Put things away. Went and talked to CB. Organized some stuff. Bed. (119.66)


Today is our official graduation day, Yeah! Our day started out as usual, in the rain. At about 12:00 noon the rain subsided and cleared up to be a pretty nice day. The towns in this part of Oregon are less frequent which made the scenery better but finding food and water more difficult. There was much less beachfront and alot of cliffs so the ride was very hilly. We had the wind at our backs for the first time which made riding so much easier. In total, we rode from Coos Bay to Harris Beach State Park which was 119.66 miles. We also broke our old speed record today at 45 mph. We did this on Cape Sebastion which was a long nasty climb but the drop on the other side was great!

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000