The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 22 June 1992



Up. Packed. Talked to girls who were riding to N.Y. & Aussie/Brit couple a bit. Ate some applesauce & Poptarts. Off. Foggy and cool with little wind. Up & down in Big Sur. Finally out of Big Sur. Got sunny. Huge crosswind through San Simeon. To Cambria. Ate at Chuckwagon all-you-can-eat. (Where TB & I ate). Good. On to Cayucos and Morro Bay. Stopped for H2O at beach. Real sunny (no oozone) for ride to San Luis Obispo. Got there and stopped in a park for RR. Stopped at Cham. of Commerce for directions. Wen to UnLucky for food. Rode headwinds to Pismo Beach. Met guy who we left behind in morning. Checked North Beach S.P. Finally settled on Ocean B. S.P. Set up tent. Put everything in because of bad mosies.Rode to phone. Talked to unhappy Cheryl. Got in tent. Ate abridged dinner. Rolls, cheese, a.sauce, poptarts. Organized stuff. Waited for shower. Wrote. Shower. Bed. (99.47)


This morning we finished the cliffs of Big Sur and then rode on some nice flat ground for a change. We still had a slight head wind which kept us from making great time. Most of the day was warm and sunny which made the riding more pleasant. For lunch we decided to eat at the Chuck Wagon in Cambria. From Cambria we rode to Ocean State Park which is about 15 miles south of San Luis Obispo. The total mileage was 99.47 miles.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000