The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 23 June 1992



Up super early. Still mosquitos. Packed up quickly. Out by 7:30. Stopped at store (closed) for H2O & to eat Poptarts and a.sauce. Rode slowly through farmland and farm villages. Little wind, but sporadic. Turned into dessert. Saw lots of lizards. Up a big hill to Lompoc. Couldn't find G-store w/o cash. Bought some food & shoe inserts at drugstore. Went to sizzler for all we could eat. Left Lompoc. Climbed through desert/coast mtns. Very hot! Often headwinds. Rode down to ocean and along highway. Dennis got a flat. Off we went again. Stopped at a bike shop in Goleta for tubes & shades for D. Lots of bikers around. Got to Santa Barbara. Rode slow on beach. Rode to G-store. Bought lots of stuff. Rode alongside freeway to Carpenteria. Got to campsite. Showers need quarters. So I rode and got some (1.2 mi). Made dinner. Ate. Put fly sheet on. Organized stuff while I waited for shower. I took shower ($.50). Bed. (117.80)


Started early today (7:00 a.m.) from Oceana and stopped in Lompoc to eat lunch at a Sizzler. The ride in the morning was pretty foggy through alot of farmland. The terrain turned into desert land as we got closer to Lompoc. Ther were alot more hills around Lompoc and the temperature was very hot. We reached the coast again around Gaviota and I got a flat just before Goleta. We stopped in a bike shop in Goleta for spare tubes and I also bought a new pair of shades. We rode along the beach in Santa Barbara which was nice but overcrowded. We finally reached the Carpinteria Campground at about 8:30 p.m. after 117.8 total miles.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000