The Bike Touring Pages of
Chris X. Edwards

Journals - 25 June 1992



Up super early. Took off after Dennis got ready. Mildly hilly through beach towns. Stopped at San Clemente briefly. Got on bike path at San Onofre. Stopped at campsites for quick rest. On to Camp Pendleton. Dennis saw LCAC signs and we rode over [US I-]5 to check it out. They were real cool and gave us a tour of the hovercraft. Onto marathon course in Oceanside. Snacked at SRF temple. Dennis wanted to race at Torrey Pines, so I led him the rest of the way at a good pace. We are done! (94.14)


Chris woke up real early this morning (about 6:00 a.m.) all ready to go. I was still intent on sleeping so we didn't leave until 6:45 a.m. (still an early start). There were alot of small hills around Laguna but nothing serious. When we got to Camp Pendelton (a military base), I started seeing these signs for the LCAC site. The arrows kept pointing in the direction we were going so eventually we arrived at the LCAC site. We rode across the highway to the guard gate who let us in. I told them I worked for the Cincinnati Gear Company and was interested in a tour (we looked really goofy in all our bike clothing). They said it was short notice but found a guide for us and walk us around. He let us get up on the deck, look in the cockpit, and generally poke around where ever we wanted to. We even took a feew pictures of me standing in front of a bunch of them. It was really quite interesting but we couldn't believe it was so easy to get in. After we left Camp Pendelton Chris started to become more familar with the area and we started going faster. We had one major hill at Torrey Pines but we climbed it relatively quickly. We stopped for a quick lunch at the Swamis city park. We arrived at Chris's mom's house at about 2:30 p.m. after 93. miles for the day. The total miles for the trip according to Chris's cateye was . We figured out that the Cateye was in 5% error on the high side, so actual overall mileage was 1729. miles.

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Chris X. Edwards ~ August 2000